Friday, June 3, 2016


This photograph is very important for me, it was taken in 2014, it is the first picture i have with my current friends. At that time , we were staring to become friends, we did not know each other name.

I remeber after the first test, i think it was anthropology. We looked, and said what do we do? and Carlos, the first on the right said: ¡Go to forest park, to drink a few beers!.

The problem was that we didn't have a car so we had to do the whole trip on foot but that was ok, I think it is better that way because you can see things closer and you can stop anywhere you want. I remember that at the end we went to Cerro Santa Lucía and Cerró San Cristóbal. It was awesome, because we didn't have too much money so we made a picnic out of ham and cheese sandwiches and beers, of course.

It was the beginning of a great friendship!! I think, so that it is why i like this photo.


  1. I like very much go out of places closed how go to hills !! definitely is a big panorama !!:D If you like that sure could you like be scout jijiji

  2. The story of your picture is so lovely :), I hope you still being friend in the future.
