Monday, July 25, 2016

Subject you enjoy studying this semester.

It is pretty hard to choose the subject I enjoyed studying the most, because it has been a very difficult semester, marked by almost two months of protests, situation that clearly makes the process of learning very difficult. I returned to my classes only a week ago . Besides that, all the subjects of this semester are a big presentation of every psychologcal specialization line, so picking one subject that I like the most it is hard! The subject that I enjoyed the most this semester was educational psychology because it was a subject that exceeded my expectations , teachers are very good and prepared , were concerned to relate the contents with current events in our country. I remember a class of Professor Cornejo , and it was just excelent , all my classmates were open-mouthed, in that class we talked about the Chilean educational system and all its shortcomings , with terrible and hard to believe information. Studying for the first test of this class was very significant and all what I learned helped me a lot in how to see the world, now , next week I have to take the second test, I hope I can learn as much as did when I had to study for he first one.

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