Friday, August 5, 2016

My favorite music

Saying what's my favorite musicc is a very hard thing to do, is one of the most common and complicated questios to answer. I am going to try to do it the best.

I think my favorite music has varied over time, when i was younger I liked the alternative / indie rock, but I do not remember the reason, only I remember she enjoyed listening, the strockes, radiohead, the killers, the smiths o muse. With the time, i remember i started to care a lot about the lyrics, so I prefered the music in spanish and the mor meaning music, i remember that was the time or Latin American music, or most traditional music, i liked congress, inti- illimani, the jaivas, Quilpayun, and others. After i met the progressive rock, king crimson, yes, genesis  and i was obsesed.

Currently my favorite music is a mix of everything , really everything , i really like the trip hop , which is a delicious mix of soul, funk , jazz and some hip hop, for example Portishead which is one of the bands that I admire , especially Beth Gibbons , over all. Another band example of this musical style is Massive Attack, great. I also enjoy listening argentinian rock, the classic ones as Spinneta, Charly Garcia, sui generis, seru giran, pedro aznar... I think the have a song for every life moment. Now I think that my favorite music has to do with my days, according to what I feel and what I live.

My experience writing blog friday,  it is very rare , because usually do not talk about my, and my interests , my tastes , my dreams. I think this space has been very helpful, has helped me to learn English and to learn from me.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Subject you enjoy studying this semester.

It is pretty hard to choose the subject I enjoyed studying the most, because it has been a very difficult semester, marked by almost two months of protests, situation that clearly makes the process of learning very difficult. I returned to my classes only a week ago . Besides that, all the subjects of this semester are a big presentation of every psychologcal specialization line, so picking one subject that I like the most it is hard! The subject that I enjoyed the most this semester was educational psychology because it was a subject that exceeded my expectations , teachers are very good and prepared , were concerned to relate the contents with current events in our country. I remember a class of Professor Cornejo , and it was just excelent , all my classmates were open-mouthed, in that class we talked about the Chilean educational system and all its shortcomings , with terrible and hard to believe information. Studying for the first test of this class was very significant and all what I learned helped me a lot in how to see the world, now , next week I have to take the second test, I hope I can learn as much as did when I had to study for he first one.

Friday, July 22, 2016


My favorite website

Although nowadays there are many websites that can be used to learn English, there is a career-related website that I find very useful. It is called and as its name indicates, you can do many things in this website, such as search research articles, read about new research in psychology, know and learn of authors from around the world

I visit this website very often, because it is very useful when performing literature review, to complement the research requested in university, it often helpes me to supplement my study, for example when there are concepts or theories i do not understand, on this page I've found the solution to my problems.

The main reason why I like this website , it is because it is easy to use , fast , useful, has a lot of information is in english and spanish, is reliable information and is constantly updated.

The truth is i do not know what I would do if this site didn't exist, since my first year of college has been very , very helpful.

Friday, June 3, 2016

¡¡Old sack and spider!! :O

My worst nightmare as a teenager , was being home alone, it happens that my house in San Felipe, field , lonely place with large patios and a long street . I remember, i had a neighbor who always said that if i misbehaved , the ' ' old sack ' ' i would kidnap.

Every time, there was a small chance of being alone at home, i terrified me. It was funny, because my parents that served, them because they always went to church on wednesdays, fridays and sundays , when i did not want to go i was threatened with being left alone , and between being alone and go to the church , went to the church. All for avoid the ''old sack''.

In adolescence my nightmare was not a fantasy as the ' ' Old sack ' ' that was more real , the spiders, i had panic to the corner spider, is more i have to sleep with a ' ' Raid ' ' on the side my bed .

Now living alone, i had to learn to get over it and accept it !!! 


This photograph is very important for me, it was taken in 2014, it is the first picture i have with my current friends. At that time , we were staring to become friends, we did not know each other name.

I remeber after the first test, i think it was anthropology. We looked, and said what do we do? and Carlos, the first on the right said: ¡Go to forest park, to drink a few beers!.

The problem was that we didn't have a car so we had to do the whole trip on foot but that was ok, I think it is better that way because you can see things closer and you can stop anywhere you want. I remember that at the end we went to Cerro Santa Lucía and Cerró San Cristóbal. It was awesome, because we didn't have too much money so we made a picnic out of ham and cheese sandwiches and beers, of course.

It was the beginning of a great friendship!! I think, so that it is why i like this photo.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Iloca with my friends

One of the best experiences I've lived with my friends, was  a year ago i got the chance to go with eight other friends  (Javiera,  Maria Jesus, David, Carlos, Javiera H, Paula, Anselmo, Andrea) to the beach, it didn't last too long but it was super fun! We went to Iloca beach where the tsunami was! so i was a little bit worried, but everything went fine, the funny was that just this night, trembled very strong, what SCARY!
The other funny was that i met the ‘’Zafrada’’ , he is really a celebrity in Iloca.

We played volleyball on the beach, played the guitar, sing, played cards and i took many photographs, of course, we ate a lot of food and laugh. It was just amazing! I just want to go back!

My Friends are the best and I love you with all my heart.

Enjoying music and sunset 

Andrea, Javiera H, Gabi, Carlos, Javiera, David, Jesu and Anselmo

Sunday, May 15, 2016

My favourite piece of technology

Well technology is as awesome thing, we all know that and if i had to pick one type favourite, i would choose the Mp3, The brand of me Mp3 is Walkman.
I used to have an mp4, but one day I went jogging and I lost it. My good and lovely sister lent me her mp3, but I've kept it for over two years, now it's mine.
Even that I know this one is pretty old, i just love it.
Being able to save a huge amount of music in such a small space amazed me, And it also lets, me record all my classes and i can listen to my music during long trips. I also love music so yo can understand why i love so much the Mp3. You only need two head phones, your favourite music and this little thing, to be happy.

Love it my Mp3!!

Friday, April 22, 2016

My career

When i was about to finish school, i did not know what to study, my options at the time were cinema, pedagogy and psychology.
I liked cinema, i always taste cinema , the problem about is that i didn't have the money to afford a career and the scholarship wouldn't pay cinema, not all of it at least.  And i needed it to be the whole career, not only one part.
For what my options a reduced psychology and pedagogy. After the results of the psu , i decided on psychology, without knowing why.
Now i like area of ​​ social and community psychology, i 'm part of the team aides social psychology II.
I have had the chance to meet many new people, and some of them have become my best friends, we have done so many things together and we have a lot in common. It hasn't been a bad experience at all.Well, when I see my future it isn't too easy, i don't really know where i am going to end up, for now i see myself working in communities or social projects . 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Hello, my name is Onesima Gabriela Orostica, but I prefered to be called Gaby. I am currently studying psychology and I am in my third year already.

I am 20 years old and was born in San Felipe  a 31 of January . I’ve been my whole life in there, i love it. Little towns might not have big building or mall, but they do have great people and beautiful views.

I like to paint with oil painting and to walk listening Luis Alberto Spinetta’s music. I also like to take pictures, I just love it.Well my favorite movies is Children of men, because it’s a movie has a fantastic plot and beatiful
scene, and my favorite food is sushi.
I hope we can get to know each other better by this Blog. Have a nice week! Poster of Children of men.